Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Grandfather Project - Press Release


Local Greek and Mediterranean concept, Papouli’s Greek Grill, has partnered with UTSA Business students on a project that will foster community development and family appreciation.

Nick Anthony, founder and CEO of the concept, contacted the College of Business at UTSA this summer with a clear mission: to develop a marketing campaign that directly benefits the community. By expanding on the family-oriented mentality that is a core element of Greek culture, as well as © Papouli’s Greek Grill, five students in their senior year studying Entrepreneurship have harnessed the power of facebook, twitter, and other social media platforms in order to bring the age-old art of story-telling into this modern era. With Mr. Anthony as their guide, this team of students has taken advantage of the unique opportunity to apply their business education to a real-world challenge. Blogging, networking, marketing, material design, and project management are but a few of the skills that they have used to produce a project that successfully links the feeling of fellowship and belonging to the Papouli’s brand.

In addition to establishing a presence on facebook and twitter, the Grandfather Project team has also developed - a YouTube-based platform that will allow users to post videos about their family (specifically, their grandfather or “papouli” figures) for others to see and comment upon. Guests will have the opportunity to share their stories online, as well as in person. At select locations, the team plans to regularly hold in-store video tapings in which guests can have their story recorded and uploaded for their convenience. The Grandfather Project hopes to create a legacy of family wisdom and stories for future generations to enjoy and learn from in an innovative and modern way.

An initial in-store taping will be held Sunday, November 15th, in the morning from 11:00 to 2:00 at the City View Village Location. Learn more about the project at

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The ball is rolling

So as of yesterday we placed the order for our collateral material. We ordered our table easels and bookmarks and they will be ready by Thursday November 5th. Just in time ofr our in-store tapping that weekend. We are definately excited to get the ball rolling on the major aspects of the project, especially after all the time we have spent thinking about different ideas on how to make money and the impact on the community we wanted to make. We are happy it is coming along. We are now very much aware that we need to establish tiers for the future of this project. It is definately something that a future Entreprenuership group could take over. However, it is up to Nick to decide whether he would like to do that. I know that us as a group we were extrememly happy to see the prototype of our collateral material. And just these past few days of being in contact back and forth between the group, Nick, and the companies we are working with I know we feel like we are getting the first hand experiance of what it takes to run a business and the importance of communication and networking. Everything is coming along and we are excited. We are still working on our t-shirts and web page and it is coming along and we are happy about it!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

"The Rock That Rolls Gathers No Moss"

(written by Joshua Sellers)

..and our "rock" is certainly on a roll! This week has been a critical week for our team. We are now in the early stages of doing rather than thinking. Amanda has been coordinating t-shirt design, which is coming along well - we plan to submit a design to the print company by Friday. The rest of the girls (Delia, Christina, and Jackie) have been collaborating on the paper materials, such as 3x5 promotional cards and 8.5x11 POS flyers.

I had the opportunity to meet with Nick last Friday to flush out some details and briefly brainstorm different facets of the project that had not yet been considered. The feeling at our meeting was unmistakably optimistic. We couldn't help but occasionally stop ourselves short during our conversation and smile as we begin to consider the enormous scope that this project can evolve into.

It was at this meeting that Nick gave us a $2,000 budget. A question was raised in class yesterday (which I was unfortunately unable to attend) by Dr. Leffel who wanted to know how we planned to bring value to our client through this endeavor, which would match the $2,000 budget that we were granted. -Certainly a pertinent question that should, and already has been, discussed...

At our first meeting with Nick, we had some trouble specifically defining our relationship with Nick and how this unique project would fit within the requirements of the class. Typically, a group of students are given the opportunity to develop any business of their choice, so long as it has social value, can be sustained, and has the potential to turn a profit. At the end of the first day of class however, Dr. Leffel made a special announcement that there was a project already available for whoever was interested in it, called the Papouli project...

For personal reasons (which I'll share in a later post) I felt compelled to devote myself to this project but I quickly found a problem - it sounded like just a project, not a business. How do we make this a sustainable business? What exactly is our relationship with Papouli's grill? Are we separate from the restaurant, or are we some sort of PR team?

It was out of these questions that the idea of Skunqwerks was born. "Well, what exactly are you doing for me?" Nick asked us to help get our juices flowing. We were taking the raw ideas that he, a client, had in his head and developing a project that would turn his ideas into a realistic product ( In order to fit our unique project into the requirements of the class, we decided to form a separate fictitious company called Skunqwerks, a play on the business term: skunk works. Skunqwerks is a PR company with a unique objective: it works with small businesses to help them develop their own social projects - the "make a wish foundation" of social entrepreneurship.

Once we were able to define our working relationship with Nick, it became much easier to approach the project and answer questions like that which came up in class yesterday: how are we measuring our social value? Well, how does any client measure the value of a project which will not directly generate revenue? -Through key deliverables and critical benchmark points. When Amanda answered that she "thinks we would probably be able to show a profit from the coupons" she was trying to answer the question in terms of monetary value, which is not applicable for our project. In the business world, there is no room for ambiguity. Instead, we have identified specific key deliverables that when met, are worth the $2,000 budget that Nick has granted. These deliverables include: lauch, receive a substantial amount of submissions on the website (at least 100 contributions), perform in-store tapings of employees and guests, and develop a presence on third party networking sites such as facebook and twitter. -These aspects of the projects have been identified by the client as worth $2,000.

The discussion about the Skunqwerks/Papouli's relationship has been an interesting one that has offered the team substantial insight into real-world client/conulstant relationships. When we were first given Nick's goals and ideas, it was put on our shoulders to "make it work." Given the constraints and limitations associated with the class and this project, our team is confident that our decision to create Skunqwerks was the appropriate solution to "make this project work."

There are many more exciting posts to come. We may be blessed by the contribution of a largely celebrated individual... but more on that later!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ideas and Communication

So we as a group decided we needed to post about our communication between Nick and the ideas we had been coming along with. So most of it discusses the collateral material we have been focusing on creating and where we plan to get it from. Since Nick has several resources that he is providing to us and he has established a relationship with them, we will be using his referrals. alos it talks about the status of the greek funstival and wht we hope to accomplish there.

September 28, 2009
1)September 22nd – 1st presentation in class – ppt, and one page progress Report Need to also complete project mission/vision statement.
UPDATE: We presented in class, and gave our progress report so far, and our timeline. We can get the PowerPoint slides and the report to you if you would like; Professor Leffel has also assigned each group a book to do an executive summary (ours is Crowdsourcing by Jeff Howe - which by the way we just received from Amazon on this past Tuesday and are planning on having it read by Oct.6th), and I think is looking for us to incorporate crowdsourcing into this project by eliciting ideas from the 'crowd' about how we can get this idea to be appealing enough to get people to want to share their stories, and about how we can profit from it as well. She wondered about our motivation with regards to our 'company' Skunqwerks, but we explained we kind of formed that on suggestion from you to be a separate entity that is serving a purpose in this project, and she seemed okay with that.

I would definitely like a copy of the materials you presented to the class.
I can’t wait to hear what you’ve learned from the concept of crowd sourcing and its application in this project; do share.
As for the Skunqwerks notion, if Dr. Leffel prefers you focus on project specific deliverables that’s fine. I thought it would be helpful as a basis to think of yourselves as a company as you craft the project. Your call if you want to keep this perspective or not.

1.5) October 1st – Budget

Any news.

2) October 10th – Need to have collateral materials ready to go

Design collateral materials – tshirts, Paper materials - brochures, pos cards, coupons?UPDATE: We have broken the tasks of the collateral materials down to separate group members:TShirts - Amanda - I was looking to get with you on Monday to discuss what exactly you need from us as far as the tshirts go in order to get them ordered, and also ask about how long it will take to get them. If you would like I can call you, or you can just respond back to me after you receive this email.Brochures: Jackie will be handling thisPOS Cards: Christina will be handling thisCoupons: Delia should be contacting you on this matter, if she has not already.We were trying to have this done by this next week so we can have enough time to get everything ordered, and ready to go by the 10th; also so we can try and complete the budget by the 1st.

Identify final key collateral; provide drafts.

3) Design website – UPDATE: Joshua has taken on this task, and I believe is also trying to have this done by the 10th.
I would like to spend time directly with Josh on this

3.5) October 15th – Due by noon Executive Summary-
I’m eager to read the Exec Sum

4) October 17th - In store videotaping of staff – This will be a true treat; plan on 2-5PM to get the most available participants

4.5) October 20th – 2nd presentation in class – strategy, business model, progress report- please send and reports
5) October 27th - Launch website- YEAH!!!
6) November 14th - Follow up interviews
7) November 26th - Finish class video
8) December 1st – Final Presentation
The Greek Funstival - Also, I was planning on bringing this up with you when I contacted you about the tshirts... I spoke with Mr. Jerome Wolf this past Monday, and posed the idea of having a table set up at the Funstival whereby we could elicit guests to share their stories. He told me that the Parish was going to have a meeting Tuesday, that he would bring it up with them and let me know. I did hear back from him on Wednesday, and he told me that the council thought it would be way too loud for our needs, but that he does like to try and foster school projects, and invited us to maybe come on a Sunday after service and try to record some stories. I told him that I appreciated their consideration on including us in the Funstival and the invitation and that I would discuss it with my group and get back to him. After getting off the phone with him, I wondered if maybe we could ask the council if we might still be able to hand our information at the Funstival. I posed both ideas to the group, and they would be willing to go on a Sunday, and if we were able to, hand out information at the Funstival if we are able to get the material by then, and allowed by the Parish. I just wanted to hear your thoughts on this, before I call Mr. Wolf. Let me know what you think.

I would definitely come Sunday afternoon and see what you could get in terms of live ‘stories’.

As for handing out materials, I think if we print enough of the 3X5 cards and get permission from the Church it would be great. We can print a few thousand, I would think. If there is a way to build in a donation piece on the Website with proceeds going to the Church that would be great. Consider it.

As for communication…this email was very helpful. Please continue to provide email updates and know that you should contact me to set up times to meet or conference call. I will have very little time to initiate meetings but will work diligently to accommodate your needs. I am THRILLED with your efforts and with the potential the project has through your building on the vision I had at the start. You truly have embraced this and made it yours too, which was one of my key hopes.

Go get ‘em!

September 29, 2009
I have been put in charge of "coupons" these coupons would be used to give to customers as an incentive to share their stories on our grandfather web page. I would like to touch base with you to answer the following questions.
1. How do you feel about using coupons to the restaurant as an incentive to participation in this project?
I think the idea of using an in store incentive collateral piece is essential to the success of the program. I do not, however, wish to use the term ‘coupon’. Rather, I would prefer we use a creative term that your team comes up with to describe the offering (think in terms of gift certificate, tied to the spirit of the project). The challenge will be how to validate a person’s participation in the project in order to ‘earn’ the offering. Another hurdle is how to deliver the certificate. We should brainstorm on these matters..

2. Because I am always looking for the most effective, least expensive ways to do you have capabilities to add a "note" on your cash register receipts in which we add information?
We do have the ability to add language to our receipts; cashiers can circle the ‘note’ on the receipt to draw attention. How would this ‘note’ tie in with the offering from #1? What ‘note’ would you want to place on receipts?

3. How do you feel about printing a glossy professional color coupon that can be handed to customers with their meals or with their receipt?
I think an informational collateral piece would be fantastic. I would envision a small 3X5 card with info on one side and a cool graphic on the other side (see my Grandfather’s image on our web site main page). What information would you have on this card? Please provide me with a draft of this piece.

4. Do you have any other ideas in ways we can add incentive to the "sharing" process?
I think the key driver should be the desire to share the stories. Once you create an ‘offering piece’ it might be difficult to ‘grow’ participation through social interest. I’d look to the ‘crowd sourcing’ book and see what it says might work. We could offer free Papouli’s Project t-shirts to the first 100 stories. As for the T-shirts, I would think we would start off with the current “Who’s Your Granddaddy” art and spin off with official “Papouli Project” tag lines and art.

October 5, 2009
Here are the notes that I took during my conversation with Nick:
Regarding t-shirts (which Amanda is facilitating):
1) What exactly do you need from us regarding the tshirts in order to get them ordered? (A jpeg design of front and back?)
“Who’s your gran-daddy?” seems a little cheesy. Is there a way to create a connection without being as campy? Also, the Papouli logo must be present and unchanged.
Make a bridge between Papouli’s grill and Make the family brand clear and definitive.

2) What is the turnaround time on ordering the shirts? - We are hoping to have these as well as all of the critical collateral material available by the weekend of the 17th to use during the funstival/in-store taping.
He wants to buy a couple hundred shirts. His brother owns LonestarTees who he’ll go through. With this amount of shirts, he estimates about a week to print out.
LonestarTees 402-0091, ask for Vicki (Papouli’s rep)

Regarding 3x5 Promo Cards:
1)What publishing company do you recommend going through?
Uppercase design 233-1331 contact is Rebecca (or Sharon) How does that process work? Great product in only about three days. Send them the digital version and they will print them out. Call the contact for more questions.

2) How far in advance do they need the design, and what is the turn around once the design has been submitted? (Again, trying to keep an eye on our Oct. 17th objective) About a three/four day turn around.

3) How many do you think we should print? You mentioned 1,000 copies previously, do you want to stick with that? 1,000 is good

4) Do you want us to come up with the design, or is there someone who you recommend we collaborate with? (Delia has a friend that can apparently do some really good graphic design work who offered to help us) He wants to see what Delia's friend can come up with. We need to dictate the actual content (quotes, tag line, etc) though. They have at least 1,000 people on their mailing list – we should develop an email style flyer as well

5) Do you want a glossy or matt (I think that's the right term..) finish? Glossy is fine. Double sided

NOTE: Can we get a high-res digital copy of the "Papouli" image that you want to use for the brand? Delia said that if we collaborate with her friend, he usually works with vector format (.eps) for quality purposes. He’ll send us what he can find on files. It’s about a $100 charge to get them from the company uses, if he doesn’t already have them.

Regarding the POS flyers:
Do you want to just print out 8.5x11 pages similar to the 3x5 promos and put them in clear stands or would it be more cost-effective to print them on boards with built-in stands? 8.5x11 pages will work best

Go to and tell us your grandfather story.
I will be meeting with the website design team this Friday to discuss all of the details about Additionally, Nick granted us a $2,000 all-encompassing project for us to work with. If we meet our deliverables within this budget, the surplus will be donated to the Legacy fund.

Nick's response to the email
Good job recapping our meeting, Josh. Team, you guys are on point. Stay the course and be intentional with your decisions and execution. This project has natural consumer appeal and will go all the way.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Storyboard Session

The storyboard session was a huge success! Nick gave us a section of the restaurant where we were able to write on the glass windows and post index cards all over the place. It was a really cool experience. When we first got there we got to be a part of the taste test for possible new items on the menu. Lets just say we ate all day and the more we ate the slower we became. But we did make good progress on what we would like to accomplish for the semester and what dates we plan to have these milestones done.
Our first order of business was to set up our business mission and vision. We want people to know that we want to expand the relationship with the customer through the sharing if their personal family stories. We thought we can do this several different ways.
First, through our website where people can go online and submit a video to our website and from there they are able to link to several different websites we plan on using to bring an awareness to this project, such as twitter and facebook. Since most people will want to visit a website where there have already been stories submitted. We will start off with Nick's staff at the Huebner location and put there stories online. Followed by our own stories as well.
Second, we would like to develop some collateral material to handout at events or to keep in the restaurant for people who are interested in making a submission or know someone who has a great story to tell. We plan on creating t-shirts, POS cards, and brochures to bring an awareness to this project as mush as we possibly can.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Sunday Meeting

So this past Sunday Delia, Joshua and Christina met at Mama Margie's to discuss further plans about how we wanted to extend our business to where it stands on its own. The idea we came up with was to have a consulting business almost like a PR firm. We would be hired through contracts to develop a social inspired project for small businesses. It would make it easier for the business to hire someone to do the work for them and eventually set them up to the point where they can manage this project on their own. We thought that there are several small businesses that want to do something for the community they just dont have the time to do it. Other then making donations small businesses typically dont have the time to invest in these projects they would like to start and it falls to the bottom of there priority list. So the goals of our business are to target small businesses, change the community a little at a time and create revenue from these contracts. As of now we haven't thought of a business name were hoping that will be decided in our storyboard session.
We also discussed the possible ways of crowdsourcing the stories for the grandfather project. We need to discuss with Nick the times that it would be best for us to be in the restaurant to talk with his patrons. We also know he would like his staff to be involved with this project so we will need to setup a time for that as well. We figured it would be best if we had two group members at a time recording stories. One person can record while the other talks. We want to develop a script or list of questions to make people comfortable talking to us, as well as giving us there contact information in case we need a follow up.
Another idea we had was to have everyone we know with great stories come together one day for a few hours and just share the stories they have and we could film it to put on the website or into the book.
We went over the topics that will need to be discussed in the storyboard session. The website, stories, product, buget/finance, and crowdsourcing. There are probably more we need to look at and hopefully with everyone there we can come up with everything we need. This should be exciting for everyone. Nick is giving us the space we need to post stuff and write everywhere, so it should defnately be fun. Joshua plans on bringing his camera to record it all and I will bring my camera so I can post pictures on the blog. We are really excited to see how it all turns out.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our first meeting with Mr. Nick Anthony

So Tuesday evening we met with Mr. Nick Anthony where he treated us dinner. Dinner, wine, and baklava, it was good! We let him tell us about his family and how Papouli's came to be. You can tell immediately he is all about his family and that he truly wants to capture eveyones story. The purpose of The Grandfather Project is to capture peoples strories about there grandfather and share them, especially the people of our generation. Since we have the social aspect of our project it was time to present him with the ideas to make the grandfather project sustainable on its own. He loved every idea we gave him, he also made us think even harder about what else we could do and how we could do it. We discussed the different ways of caputuring a persons story from being just in the restaurant to being a part of upcoming events. This project isn't just about the Greek community its about everyone, all different cultures. He is baiscally giving us free reign over the website and ways we can make this project work. Some more ideas will come when we meet again for our storyboard. We are all thrilled to be apart of this project and know it can grow into so much more.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Getting Started

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Today our group met for the first time to discuss our plans on how we should continue with this project and where we should take off from here. It was exciting to see our brains working together, we are very different people but I think so far we have some great ideas on how to proceed with "The Grandfather Project." We will post more detail later after we speak with Nick Anthony and we make sure all our ideas are in alignment with his vision of this project.